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Pet products with a conscience – think workability, not disability!


Our long experience of employing people with disabilities makes us well placed to understand the barriers they can face when trying to get a foot on employment ladder.  

We also get to see, first-hand, the benefits employment can bring – from enhanced wellbeing, confidence and work skills to greater independence. 

Our work placement schemes are designed to support people who are struggling in their quest for work, whether through disability or other life problems. 

We provide tailored packages of support that include training, qualifications and work experience in a real production environment. Our aim is to get the best out of everyone, whatever their disability or background, and take them that step closer to finding employment. 

Work Experience Placements   EVOLVE programme

  • Working here means I earn money and can pay my bills


  • I like to feel useful and feel that I have a purpose


  • If I didn’t have this job, I wouldn’t be able to do amateur dramatics which I enjoy


  • I like all of the people here and they all care for me.

  • I like coming into Norfolk Industries because I feel useful and part of the team.

  • I feel supported that my future will go ahead.

  • I’ve settled quicker here than in all the other work I’ve had. The people are very nice, they support each other and work as a team. I’ve gained confidence in the weeks I've been here. I feel like a piece of jigsaw that finally fits.


  • It's brilliant. I enjoy the work.


  • I’d love to come back. I enjoyed my time at Norfolk Industries and would really like to work there in a paid job.


  • I’ve felt comfortable, welcome and the atmosphere has been friendly. The people are easy to get along with. I’ve learnt quite a lot about working in an office environment.


  • My morning at Norfolk Industries was excellent! Fantastic! I packed pet bedding for hamsters and then had a coffee break in the canteen. The people were very friendly and I would like to help them out more if I could.


  • I enjoy the tasks, the open space and the people, they are really hard working, everyone knows what they are doing. I manage to cope gradually with my anxiety and I’m really enjoying it there.

Work Placement Schemes